Fly TyingDiscussionsJoin this group
discussion BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 2 - 1 COMMENTS
What do you like most about fly fishing? Posted in
discussion BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 2 - 1 COMMENTS
What do you like most about fly fishing? Posted in
discussion BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 2 - 4 COMMENTS
discussion BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 2 - 3 COMMENTS
What do you think the essentials are for a Fly Fishing vest/pack? Posted in
discussion BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 2 - 14 COMMENTS
What Brand of Rod/Reel Combo Do you prefer? Posted in
When choosing a rod/reel combo is there a specific brand that you either specifically look for or specifically avoid? Why? Any places you recommend to buy from?
discussion BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 2 - 1 COMMENTS
Whats your opinion on the new TU site? Posted in
discussion BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 2 - 5 COMMENTS
What is your favorite fly to use? Posted in
discussion BY Brennan ON August 16 - 0 COMMENTS
Do you like lake fishing? Posted in
I like lake fishing, do you?
discussion BY brennan.sang ON August 15 - 2 COMMENTS
Welcome to the new site Posted in
This is the new community site. We've still got some bugs creeping around, but with your help we'll find and squash 'em quickly.