Conserving, protecting and restoring our country's coldwater fisheries and their watersheds
If you find a bug, you can leave a comment here to let us know and we'll get right on top of fixing it.
Hey Brenan,
From /connect/groups page, this shows up: Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in theme_image_formatter() (line 605 of /var/www/
Thanks Jerry,
Any chance you could send a screenshot? I'm not getting that error myself, so if you could send a capture — I can investigate.
Best, B
Not able to unjoin a group. Tried several times and group is always listed under my group list.
Hey Brenan,
Hey Brenan,
From /connect/groups page, this shows up:
Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in theme_image_formatter() (line 605 of /var/www/
Thanks Jerry,
Thanks Jerry,
Any chance you could send a screenshot? I'm not getting that error myself, so if you could send a capture — I can investigate.
Not able to unjoin a group.
Not able to unjoin a group. Tried several times and group is always listed under my group list.